ForewordThis survey was presented and discussed during the UPIGO (International Professional Union of Gynæcologists and Obstetricians) General Assembly held in Hammamet in Tunisia in 2007. The survey was conducted thanks to the contribution of the delegates or the corresponding UPIGO members mentioned on the following slides.The survey is based on a questionnaire made in collaboration with G.M. COUSIN (President of the French Union SYNGOF), K. KÖNIG (Vice-President of the German Union Berufsverband der Frauenärzte), J. STENCL (Director of Education of the Slovak Medical University) and G.SCHLAEDER ( UPIGO’s secretary general and survey’s coordinator). Most of the data were given by UPIGO’s delegates or correspondants. Some figures were given by international authorities, WHO- OECD; in this case, it will be mentioned in the text.